How important to America is Rick Santorum?

The answer to that question is more important than America can afford to ignore. On 11 September, 2001 I think we can all agree that America was forever changed. We will never as a nation have the sense of safety we once had. We Americans could afford to ignore the bombings when they occurred in Northern Ireland, or the Middle East they didn’t touch us. But then in the span of a morning it was all too real for us. Now do not take what I am about to say the wrong way, but we have more to worry about here within our own borders than we do from Islamic terrorists. “What is that threat?” you wonder. Very simply put our threat is that we are moving further and further away from the principles that this nation was founded upon.


When the pilgrims came to this nation it was in search of religious freedoms. Now we have groups screaming “separation of Church and state” every other sentence. They ignore the fact that this “separation” was that our government was prohibited from the development of a national religion. Having fought for our freedom from England we did not want to make what we considered their mistakes. I think that looking at the lives of Catholics under Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, and of Protestants under Mary I we are very glad that our government can not determine how we worship. But we have groups such as the ACLU want to all but ban religion. I would not be shocked if they did not want to shut down all Churches, Synagogues and Temples. But I am not going to give garbage like the ACLU any more time than I have to.


Now religion, or faith rather has long been something that comedians, or hacks rather like Bill Maher, have made light of. Conviction, faith, belief in something better scares this people. So they make jokes about it. Or worse they go the route of an Anne Rice, who frankly has not been relevant since early in the Reagan era. Anne Rice’s speech where religion is concerned does not simply border on hate speech, it defines it. Rice who has been Catholic, not been Catholic, been Catholic, not been Catholic seems to have appointed herself some sort of guru to the pathetic minions that will wrap themselves up in rhetoric so hateful I certainly would fear her ilk ever taking power in this land, who would stop her insane religious persecution.


Now we have reached the fork in the road, let’s take it you and I. Now I am going to say some things here that might ruffle a few feathers, but hey that’s the way it goes. When we look at the current line-up of candidates looking to make it to the general election to face off with the sitting President of the United States I really only see two conservative candidates  with a pulse in the campaign. One I support, the other I say has failed in the one area that allows him to truly carry the mantle of conservative into the general election.


Newt Gingrich was one of the loudest voices in Congress condemning then President Bill Clinton for his affair with White House Intern Monica Lewinsky.  The problem is ol’ Newt he was being a bad boy too. Unlike “Slick Willy” good ol’ Georgia boy Newt ended up divorced and married the woman he was having the affair with. Now you would think the story stops here, not so fast. See Newt decided he needed to have an affair on his new wife as well, and wouldn’t you know it a divorce from the wife and a marriage to the mistress followed. Now as bad as the affairs are, the real damage politically was that Newt was throwing rocks while living in a glass house. If I was looking for a target for the general election to nail the man with, that would be right where I started.


Now men and women both have affairs every day, sorry but it is a fact. I am not going to condone or condemn this behavior that is not for me to do. The problem is when you set yourself on a pedestal and go after someone for a particular “sin” it is best that you are wearing a legitimate white hat. Because if you claim the high road, and you are just as dirty well you are in the same damned boat. I am sorry Newt, you were worse than Clinton I can not trust you, I have no faith in you, and you can never claim the high road against Obama, thus you’ll never enjoy my support.


Then we have Rick Santorum. Now I hear those who oppose him, I hear their complaints and maybe if all I was concerned with was the secular side of things I could jump in with you. But I will be honest I am looking at far more than that. Senator Santorum is a devout Catholic, and he makes no apologies for this. He lives his life based upon his faith and strongly held values that is what I want in a leader. Even if I opposed everything Rick Santorum stood for I could support him because he is a rare commodity in the world of politics, he is quite simply the real deal. He does not mold himself and his supposed beliefs around polls and whether it might garner him votes he is who he is.


He is the father of a special needs child, and he lives with fears his daughters diagnosis brings. But when he says he and his wife would have never terminated the pregnancy, that they simply went forward with the intention to love this child for whatever time they had you can take it to the bank. When he gets choked up talking about Bella it is not a politician looking for sympathy votes it is a father who cherishes his baby girl. When you look at this image, when you see the man how can you not be filled with admiration and respect?


Now I know you are likely sitting there begging me to get to the point. You want to know what I am getting at. Well okay I will tell you. In this day and time when people do not have the slightest faith in their leaders Rick Santorum is exactly the man you see. He is a man of faith. He is a man who loves. He is a man who everyone can believe in. I do not believe in the other GOP candidates, I do not believe in President Obama, but I know I can believe in Rick Santorum and that dear reader is exactly what this nation needs.

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